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Silly String 200ml

Assorted Colours

SKU: RAP8002

Qty Discounts
Unit Price

£0.99 ExVAT
£1.19 IncVAT

Total Price For 24 Units:

£23.76 ExVAT
£28.51 IncVAT

Barcode: 5055319580021

Minimum Quantity is:  24
Sold In Multiples of:  24

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Silly String 200ml
Cut Price Wholesaler prides it's self on the speed and quality of our delivery. We do everything possible to ensure all orders are delivered within 5 working days.
Please note that the images shown reflect the image of the product either taken or provided by the manufacturer during the time of uploading the picture. It may differ slightly in colour, packaging or text than the stock we ship as the stocks are refreshed and updated more often than images.

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Unit Price:£0.99 ExVAT
£1.19 IncVAT
Barcode: 5055319580021
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Please note that the images shown reflect the image of the product either taken or provided by the manufacturer during the time of uploading the picture. It may differ slightly in colour, packaging or text than the stock we ship as the stocks are refreshed and updated more often than images.
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