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Mother's Day Rose Bouquet
This Mother's Day bouquet is the perfect gift for a loved one. Each bouquet features six large artificial roses with three smaller roses in the middle, complete with leaves, stems and gift wrap.
Artificial flowers are used as a symbol of everlasting love, as the flowers will never die!
Each carton contains two assorted colours; pink and white
Product Dimensions: Overall L26 x W18cm, Large roses 6cm DIA, Small roses 3cm DIA
Packaged Weight: 0.079kg
Materials: Plastic and polyester
Packaging: Swing tag
Each carton contains two assorted colours.
This Mother's Day bouquet is the perfect gift for a loved one. Each bouquet features six large artificial roses with three smaller roses in the middle, complete with leaves, stems and gift wrap.
Artificial flowers are used as a symbol of everlasting love, as the flowers will never die!
Each carton contains two assorted colours; pink and white
Product Dimensions: Overall L26 x W18cm, Large roses 6cm DIA, Small roses 3cm DIA
Packaged Weight: 0.079kg
Materials: Plastic and polyester
Packaging: Swing tag
Each carton contains two assorted colours.
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Please note that the images shown reflect the image of the product either taken or provided by the manufacturer during the time of uploading the picture. It may differ slightly in colour, packaging or text than the stock we ship as the stocks are refreshed and updated more often than images.